Kamil Sabatowski's articles

Kamil Sabatowski
Kamil holds an MA degree in Strategic Management and is currently an Executive MBA student at the University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada. He’s responsible for managing the company operations, ensuring continuous process improvement in service delivery. After hours, Kamil enjoys sports like windsurfing, wakeboarding, and snowboarding - or backpacks across Asia.

7 Agile Best Practices You Should Know

Product development explained: Why your product requires different models of support in each lifecycle stage

The extended team model: here's how to make it work

6 proven practices for scaling agile development teams

Outsourcing best practices: How to manage agile collaborations with challenging clients

Outsourcing best practices: 7 tips for coordinating internal and external development

Building tech products without technical competences

What's it like to be a Lead Developer at Sunscrapers? Interview with our CTO, Przemek Lewandowski

4 Things That Distinguish Great Developers