Maria Chojnowska
28 March 2023, 5 min read

What's inside
- So, What Exactly is a Backup?
- The Importance of Regular Backups
- Secure Your Business's Future with These Backup Best Practices
- Conclusion
We rely heavily on technology to store and manage important data in this digital age. Whether it's personal photos and videos, important work documents, or financial records, we entrust our valuable information to our devices.
But what would happen if all of that data suddenly disappeared? Perhaps your computer crashes, or your phone is lost or stolen. Maybe a hacker gains access to your accounts and wipes out everything. Whatever the cause, the loss of your data can be devastating.
In fact, World Backup Day is coming up on March 31st, which is a great opportunity to review your backup plan and ensure you're doing everything you can to protect your data.
So, What Exactly is a Backup?
A backup is a copy of your data that you create and store separately from your original files. The purpose of creating a backup is to have a duplicate copy of your important files in case the original data is lost, damaged, or stolen.
Backups can be made using various methods, such as copying files to an external hard drive, using a cloud-based storage service, or creating a disk image. The backup process can be done manually or automatically, depending on the method used.
It's important to note that a backup is not the same as syncing your files, as syncing only updates changes made to files, while a backup creates a complete copy of all files at a specific time.
The Importance of Regular Backups
Regular backups are important for protecting your data and ensuring business continuity. With regular backups, you can:
Prevent data loss in case of system failures, viruses, malware, or other unexpected events. Regular backups ensure that you have a recent copy of your data, which can be quickly restored in case of any mishap.
Save time and money. In case of data loss, recovering data from backups can be significantly cheaper and quicker than retrieving data from damaged or corrupted devices.
Minimize downtime by ensuring that your data is quickly and easily accessible.
Help protect your data against cyber attacks, such as ransomware (which can cause significant damage to your data). Regular backups guarantee that you have a recent copy of your data that has not been compromised.
Ensure data consistency, as they can be used to verify the integrity of your data. If data is lost or corrupted, you can restore it from a previous backup to ensure consistency and accuracy.
In addition, some industries and businesses must maintain backups for compliance purposes, making regular backups even more crucial.
Without regular backups, you risk losing important data and compromising the integrity and security of your business.
Remember, it is essential to establish a standard backup plan and verify if the backups are performed correctly and securely.
Secure Your Business's Future with These Backup Best Practices
Data is a critical asset for businesses of all sizes. Losing it due to a data breach, hardware failure, or natural disaster can be devastating.
Look at the best backup practices we use in Sunscrapers and recommend them to our clients and their project to protect our valuable information.
First of all, develop a backup plan. Develop a comprehensive backup plan that outlines what data needs to be backed up, how often backups will be performed, and where backups will be stored.
Note to make sure the plan is regularly reviewed and updated as needed.
Next, remember to
- Do not rely on just one backup method or location.
To ensure redundancy and protect against data loss due to a single point of failure, use different backup methods like external hard drives, cloud storage, and network-attached storage (NAS).
You can also use multiple locations, such as an offsite location or a backup server.
- Secure your data.
Make sure that your backups are secure by password protection and encryption. This will help to protect against unauthorized access and ensure the confidentiality of your data.
- Don't assume that your backups are working correctly.
(Assume the opposite!)
Test your backups regularly to make sure they are working correctly and can be easily restored in case of a data loss event.
- Automate your backup process to make it easier and more reliable.
Use backup software that automatically back up your data on a schedule without manual intervention.
- Train your coworkers on backup procedures.
This is very important to ensure that people working on the given projects know the backup plan and how to perform backups properly.
- Be always ready for disaster recovery.
There is a Polish proverb, “forewarned is forearmed”, which means that it is always wise to be prepared for any potential risk - in this case for a data loss event - in advance so that we are not caught off guard later.
You should develop a disaster recovery plan that outlines how your business will recover from a data loss event, including how backups will be used to restore data.
To summarize, don't be a fool, back up your data.
Regular backups can help protect your valuable information and minimize the impact of data loss events. It is crucial to have a backup strategy in place to ensure the safety and accessibility of your important files.
Remember, data is a critical asset, and it's important to take steps to protect it. Better safe than sorry!
If you need help with your data, contact us.