Deal Sourcing Tools Part 2 - A Comparative Analysis of the Top Five

Jolanta Baran - Sales Executive at Sunscrapers

Jolanta Baran

7 July 2023, 10 min read

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What's inside

  1. Comparison: Unveiling Strengths & Limitations
  2. Table of Comparison
  3. Conclusion
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In the venture capital and private equity world, having the right tools to source and evaluate potential investment opportunities can be the key differentiator. In the second part of our series on deal-sourcing tools, we present an * in-depth comparison of five industry-leading platforms:*

  1. Crunchbase:

A platform widely recognized for its extensive dataset on public and private companies, Crunchbase provides details about startups, their funding rounds, investors, and related news.

Crunchbase offers both free and paid subscription options. The paid options include a variety of tiers tailored to the needs of different types of users, from individuals to large enterprises.

  1. Dealroom:

Known for its real-time data on startups and scale-ups, Dealroom delivers an ecosystem approach, providing a comprehensive understanding of industry trends and companies' contexts.

Dealroom operates on a freemium model with basic access offered for free. For more extensive features and data access, Dealroom offers a paid subscription.

  1. SourceScrub:

Specialized in private companies, SourceScrub delivers manually verified data, making it an excellent tool for investors heavily focused on private markets.

SourceScrub's pricing details are available upon request, as they tailor their plans according to the needs of each client.

  1. Tracxn:

A platform that goes beyond data provision, Tracxn offers exhaustive data coverage and adds value with analyst notes and reports, providing a more analytical perspective on companies.

Tracxn operates a subscription-based model. The platform provides different plans, which vary based on the data access and features.

  1. Cyndx:

Utilizing AI, Cyndx innovates deal-sourcing by aligning investment opportunities with investors' criteria. This AI-driven approach offers a unique angle in the realm of deal sourcing.

Like Tracxn, Cyndx also follows a subscription-based model with prices varying based on the level of service.

Comparison: Unveiling Strengths & Limitations

Let’s comprehensively compare these tools, evaluating their performance across several critical aspects.

Examining these tools across various dimensions allows you to gain nuanced insights into each platform's offerings. Empowering you to make informed decisions and maximize your investment endeavors.

Data Quality

This refers to the completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of the data provided by each platform.


Crunchbase maintains a broad and regularly updated database that spans industries, geographies, and company life stages. Its detailed information about funding rounds, investors, and M&A activities is particularly beneficial for tracking startups to the biggest companies.


Dealroom, similar to Crunchbase, provides a real-time, dynamic view of startups and scale-ups. It stands out for its ' ecosystem approach,' providing a holistic view of individual companies, their broader industry context, and trends.


Focused on private companies, SourceScrub offers high-quality, manually verified data. If your investment scope is heavily geared towards private entities, SourceScrub's data set could be an advantage.


Like Crunchbase, Tracxn offers exhaustive coverage of different sectors and geographies. However, Tracxn also provides analyst notes and reports, giving its data a more interpretive and analytical angle.


Cyndx's AI-driven approach adds an interesting twist to data sourcing. By curating opportunities aligned with the investor's criteria, Cyndx moves beyond simple data provision into AI-driven insights.

Search Capabilities

This metric evaluates how easy it is to find companies or investments using different criteria like sector, geography, and company size.


Crunchbase's advanced filtering system enables users to fine-tune their searches according to specific criteria like funding rounds, location, industry, etc.


Dealroom matches Crunchbase with its sophisticated search capabilities, allowing users to find opportunities based on various criteria.


Sourcescrub simplifies the process of finding private companies. It is an excellent choice if you focus on private markets and prefer a straightforward search mechanism.


Tracxn provides extensive search capabilities and complements them with its 'Soonicorn' feature that helps identify promising companies.


Cyndx focuses on 'matching' rather than 'searching.' Its advanced algorithms curate opportunities based on the investor's criteria, reducing the need for time-consuming searches.

Analytical Tools

This indicates whether the platform provides tools for financial modeling, trend analysis, and competitive benchmarking.


While Crunchbase provides essential investment data, it lacks in-depth analytical tools, making it better suited for deal sourcing rather than deal analysis.


Dealroom provides data analytics, helping users to understand trends and patterns. However, it does not provide financial modeling tools or competitive benchmarking.


Like Crunchbase, SourceScrub falls short in terms of analytical capabilities. It provides comprehensive data about companies but does not offer advanced analytics.


Tracxn stands out in this category, offering comprehensive analytics that include financial modeling, trend analysis, and competitive benchmarking.


Cyndx’s AI-driven approach aids in deal sourcing but falls short in offering explicit analytical tools for financial modeling or trend analysis.

Integration Capabilities

This refers to whether the platform can be integrated with other software like CRM systems, email tools, and data analysis platforms.


Crunchbase offers limited integration capabilities, allowing for data sharing through platforms like Slack. However, the lack of broader integration might be a disadvantage if you rely heavily on your CRM system or other data analysis platforms.


Dealroom, like Crunchbase, lacks extensive software integration capabilities. Its stand-alone nature might limit workflow efficiency for some users.


SourceScrub stands out here, offering integrations with major CRM systems. This aspect can significantly enhance its functionality and improve workflow efficiency.


The integration capabilities of Tracxn are not explicitly stated, which may require further inquiry for potential users.


Cyndx does not appear to have unique integration capabilities with other software, potentially limiting its adaptability within an existing tech stack.

Customization and User Experience

User Experience and Customization encompass the overall satisfaction and adaptability of the platform to individual user needs.

All the platforms offer user-friendly design and responsive customer support. However, customization options vary. Crunchbase, Dealroom, and Tracxn allow customization like personalized searches, alerts, and curated lists. However, the degree of customization in SourceScrub and Cyndx is not well-documented.

Community and Network

This looks at whether the platform offers networking opportunities with other investors or founders or provides access to a community of users for sharing insights and getting advice.

Dealroom distinguishes itself by offering community networking, an appealing aspect if you want to interact with other investors or founders. This feature is not prominently highlighted in the other four platforms.

Table of Comparison

Data QualityHigh (comprehensive, accurate, and timely data)High (real-time intelligence and data)High (verified and focused on private companies)High (in-depth and up-to-date data)Medium (unique, AI-driven data curation)
Search CapabilitiesHigh (robust search filters)High (refined searches on various criteria)High (effective search for private companies)High (extensive search capabilities)High (advanced algorithms curate opportunities aligned with investor's criteria)
Analytical ToolsMedium (basic data available, but lacks in-depth analytical tools)Medium (provides in-depth analytics, but lacks specific financial modeling or competitive benchmarking tools)Low (doesn't offer in-depth analytical tools or financial modeling)High (offers comprehensive analytics, financial modeling, trend analysis, and competitive benchmarking)Low (doesn't offer explicit analytical tools for financial modeling or trend analysis)
Integration CapabilitiesLow (integrates with Slack but lacks broader integrations)Low (doesn't offer much in terms of software integration)High (integrates with major CRM systems)Unknown (integration capabilities not clearly outlined)Low (does not have notable integration capabilities)
Cost-effectivenessMedium (mid-range pricing, features justify the cost for many)Medium (cost might be justified for some users due to comprehensive data and real-time updates)Unknown (pricing information not publicly available)Medium-High (comprehensive data and analytics may justify a higher cost for many)Medium (cost can be justified by AI-driven search capabilities)
User ExperienceHigh (user-friendly design, responsive customer service)High (visually appealing interface, responsive customer service)High (intuitive and user-friendly platform)High (positive user experience, focus on providing quality data and analytics)High (streamlined and efficient)
CustomizationMedium (allows customized searches and alerts, but limited overall customization)High (allows users to set up customized alerts and tracking)Low (detailed customization options not highlighted)High (offers curated lists and sector-specific newsletters customized to user preferences)Unknown (not clear how much dashboard or report customization Cyndx offers)
Community and NetworkLow (no inherent community networking feature)High (provides community networking opportunities)Low (networking opportunities not a prominent feature)Low (networking not a key feature)Low (does not highlight any networking or community features)
  • Data Quality: This refers to the completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of the data provided by each platform. Platforms with "High" data quality provide comprehensive and up-to-date data that covers a wide range of sectors and stages, from startups to mature companies.

  • Search Capabilities: This metric evaluates how easy it is to find companies or investments using different criteria like sector, geography, and company size. Platforms with "High" search capabilities have advanced search features that allow users to refine their searches using multiple criteria.

  • Analytical Tools: This indicates whether the platform provides a tool for financial modeling to allow competitive benchmarking. Platforms with "High" analytical tools offer detailed analytics and insights to help users make more informed investment decisions.

  • Integration Capabilities: This refers to whether the platform can be integrated with other software like CRM systems, email tools, and data analysis platforms. High integration capabilities improve workflow efficiency and broaden the functionality of the platform.

  • Cost-effectiveness: This measures whether the price of the platform is justified by the features it offers. Platforms with "Medium" to "High" cost-effectiveness offer a range of features and services that justify their cost.

  • User Experience: This considers the overall user experience, including the ease of navigation, the visual appeal of the interface, the responsiveness of customer service, and the availability of support resources. Platforms with " High" user experience are user-friendly, provide responsive customer support, and offer ample resources to help users.

  • Customization: This determines whether users can customize their dashboard, create personalized reports, and set up alerts for specific triggers. Platforms with "High" customization allow users to tailor the platform to their specific needs.

  • Community and Network: This looks at whether the platform offers networking opportunities with other investors or founders or provides access to a community of users for sharing insights and getting advice. Platforms with a "High" community and network allow users to connect with other professionals in the industry.

Note: The terms "High," "Medium," "Low," and "Unknown" are used to provide a simple way to compare the platforms on these various aspects. "Unknown" means there isn't enough information to rate that particular platform aspect.


In this comparative analysis, each platform offers distinct strengths. Crunchbase and Tracxn stand out for their detailed and up-to-date data. Dealroom and Cyndx introduce unique features with real-time intelligence and AI-driven opportunity curation, respectively. SourceScrub could be ideal if you focus on private companies and CRM integration. Understanding the specifics of each tool is crucial in determining which platform best aligns with your deal sourcing and evaluation needs.

Choosing the right tool for deal sourcing and evaluation is a significant decision. Each platform has unique strengths, and what works best for one investor might not work well for another.

Contact us

If you'd like to discuss these platforms further or need advice on integrating these tools into your existing workflow, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Sunscrapers. We're here to help streamline your deal sourcing and evaluation process.

Contact us

Jolanta Baran - Sales Executive at Sunscrapers

Jolanta Baran

Sales Executive


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